Wordpress site removed

Due to several hacking attempts the Wordpress site has been removed. The forum and Karl May's original sharpmz.org site is still available, see links at the top of the page.


Updated MZ 800 emulator

Michal Hučík has released a new version of his MZ 800 emulator. Binaries for Windows and Linux are available. https://sourceforge.net/projects/mz800emu/files/Sharp%20MZ-800%20Emulator/mz800emu-1.0.8/?fbclid=IwAR1TVRHbbXUB5uqduum0ISDP2IC3XfNbJZgQAWEBc6AwoVoxhIWDqfbl5w4 Changes in this version: 2023-04-28 - Released version 1.0.8 Windows - bugfix: upgraded to GTK-3 runtime gtk-3.24.38 Among other things, this fixed an error in…